Saturday, 25 July 2020

FYJC Generate Login ID and password and Part 1 Registration Form Process year 2020

FYJC Generate Login ID and password and Part 1 Registration Form Process year 2020
From 26th July onwards and 1st August.
Admission Process Schedule (Mumbai MMR, Pune & Pimpri Chinchwad, Nashik, Aurangabad, Amravati, Nagpur Municipal Corporation Regions)

FYJC Generate Login ID And Password And Part 1 Registration Form Process Year 2020
Sr.Stages of Process DurationResponsibility
1 Online RegistrationGgenerate Login ID and set Password. FromJuly 26, 2020 (11:00am Onwards)Student himself, with the help of his/her parents.)
2 1) Filling of Online Application Form (Part-1)
using your Login ID and Password.
Pay, Check & Lock your form.
2) Getting your Form Verified, From the
School or chosen Guidance Centre.
(Registration will also continue during this)
FromAugust 01, 2020Student himself, with the
help of his/her parents.
(Guidance centre’s help can
be availed on Phone call)
3Online Verification of
students’ Application form.
(Have a phone call to Students if required)
FromAugust 01, 2020Secondary School/
Guidance Centre
Timetable for Filling of Part-2 (Option Form) and further process will be declared after
declaration of the SSC result.
Now if we will check for Mock Registration , that button   is not there , it got removed .
so coming 26th july is key date to make sure Form registration for part 1 has done , and verified later .
that userid and password is very important , whenever user want to login in website and other region also like Mumbai, Pune and Nashik and  so on. U id And Password

  • So , Basically revised time table of 11thadmission online Form Filling process shows that Student can generate UserId and Password online from 26th July  but to fill online form part 1 will start from 1st of august .
  • If any chance user or student forgotten to generate the Userid and password from online Portal that can do same thing from 1st of august .
  • If students are willing to generate theire credential they can make it from tomorrow on , but form registration process will start from 1st of august . and part two will start  after declaration of SSC results , because part 2 requires 10th Marksheets.
Go to the -> Select Your Region -> Mumbai | Pune | Nashik and other .

Generate LoginId and Password FYJC 2020
Generate LoginId and Password FYJC 2020
Click on the Student Registration . then New Form Will. appear .

FYJC Generate Id and password  Form

This Form will appear fill the form and click Register Button .  UserId and Password will generated and will send email id or on mobile number . using this get login and fill form 1 and 2. Login Module
Pleas Enter your UserId and password to logged i the application ad form filling Process.

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