Wednesday, 29 July 2020 | 10th results declared 2020 Maharashtra Board | 10th results declared 2020 Maharashtra Board
So, Total student registered 15,84,264 out of which 8,45,936 are boy  and 7,38,327 are girls. and 8,40,612 Boys entered in examination  so , 7,34,491 girls entered in examination . Boys Passed:- 7,89,309 Girls Passed :- 7,11,796 So the Passing % is good its around 95.30%. Enter...

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

10th (SSC ) Result 2020 will declare 29th July @1pm

10th (SSC ) Result  2020 will declare  29th July @1pm
10th result is going to declare tomorrow 29th July @1pm 2020 Maharashtra board  for Mumbai , Pune , Nashik, Nagpur , Amaravati, Aurangabad region . from may - june - july  people searching when 10th result of Maharashtra board will declare . so Finally date has come  to Released... online 10th result Declared @4Pm online 10th result Declared @4Pm
Rajasthan  RBSE10th Board  result has been declared now ,around @4m Student can check their marks or score  student can visit direct link which is Please submit the roll number and enter the Captcha so it shows you are not...

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

SSC Results Maharashtra board online 2020 in July 30th

SSC Results Maharashtra board online 2020 in  July 30th
SSC Results Maharashtra board online 2020 in  July 30th .  So , Friends 10th resuly will out arond 30th july 2020 and 12th will come on 15th juy. thats good news regarding 10th and 12th Result for Year 2020. results will be published on the official website on  To...

Thursday, 3 March 2016

10th (ssc) Results Online Maharashtra Board June 2016 | SSC Result |

10th (ssc) Results Online Maharashtra Board  June 2016  | SSC Result |
How to check 10th result online As we all know  Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has organized SSC (10th) Examination for board exam in march 2016 from beginning of march  till end of march . which contain multiple subject with subject code.Student...

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Map Example

Map Example