Friday, 27 November 2020

Second Merit list Admission and Time Table 2020

26-11-2020, 10:00 AM Display of vacancy list for Regular Admission round-II (including Quota seats surrendered by Jr. Colleges and SEBC seats converted to General)
26-11-2020, 05:00 PM To 01-12-2020 11:55 PM 1. SEBC student’s consent for change of their category to General. 2. Application form (Part-1) edit and Choice filling / updating of option form (Part-2) for for Regular Round-II will start. 3. Verification of Form by Guidance centre / secondary schools as per the guidelines issued earlier. 4. New student can also submit their Part-1 & 2 Forms during this period. 5. Application for Management or Minority Quota can be submitted to respective Jr. Colleges. 6. Application Form Part-1 Filling will be closed. Note: - In view of the delayed admission process due to stay on SEBC reservation by Hon*ble Supreme Court of India, Students whose admission was rejected or cancelled and got 1" preference but not taken admission during Round-1, are also be allowed to participate in this Round.
02-12-2020, 05:00 PM Additional time for Verification of Part -1 by Guidance centre and Sec. Schools. Updation of Choices in Option form, Part-2 Filling will be closed.
03-12-2020 To 04-12-2020 Time reserved for DATA PROCESSING Preparation of Merit list of eligible Candidates. Audit of allocation by divisional CAP committees.
05-12-2020, 11:00 AM 1) Display of Jr. College Allotment List for Regular Round-II Admissions. 2) Display of allotted Jr. College for admission in student’s login. 3) Display of allotted students list in concerned college login. 4) Display of cut-off list for Regular Admission Round-2. 5) SMS to students.
05-12-2020, 11:30 AM To 09-12-2020, 05:00 PM 1) Students to click (Proceed For Admission) if ok with allotted Jr. College 2) Confirmation of admission in the allotted Jr. College by Student. 3) Admission Confirmation, Rejection & Admission cancellation at Jr. College. Login. 4) Quota Admission process also continue. (Management & Minority) 5) Management Quota seats can be Surrendered. 6) Registration & Part-1 filling will start for New applicants.(for next round). Notes: - • Students who have been allotted to first preference, it is compulsory to take admission in the allotted Jr. College. • If such students failed to take admission or Rejected, they will be blocked for further Regular Rounds and will be considered during Special Round only. • If a student wish to cancel his/her confirmed admission, can request concerned Jr. College for this and get the admission cancelled. • Such students who have cancelled their admissions will be restricted for further Regular rounds and will have to wait till Special round only. • For Jr.Colleges- In view COVID-19 Pandemic situation, Jr. Colleges should collect their admission fee only through Digital Payment modes, like Payment Gateway, Bank Transfer (NEFT/RTGS/IMPS/UPI), any e-Wallets approved by the Govt. of India / Reserve Bank of India to contain the spreading of coronavirus.
09-12-2020, 08:00 PM Time for Jr. Colleges to upload status of admitted students on the website. (05:00 PM To 08:00 PM)
10-12-2020,Display of vacancy list for third regular admission round. (including Quota seats surrendered by Jr. colleges)
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FYJC XI standard online admisson Process and declaraton of Merit list . Cut off List For prevous year also . 10 Th Results onlne declaraton Maharashtra Region .


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