Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Verification.mh-ssc.ac.in for Verification

Once 10th result will declare ,  student can visit verification.mh-ssc.ac.in  for any verification or clarity  regarding their marks or if they got ATKT.

The process is very simple process but the date is valid  till 18/08/2020 means 18th August year 2020. SO , Most Probably tomorrow 10th result will be out and  day after  tomorrow from 30th july student reach out to the    https://Verification.mh-ssc.ac. 

Once Student will visit this website he/she will get all the idea  how the process going on and how to fill the form , what is the exact amount which student need to pay while making request , so the process will go smoothly.. this one is single website for Pune , Mumbai , Nashik , Nagpur and other region ..

you can do these for
1.Verification of Marks.
2.Reuqet for Photocopy of answer book.
3.Revaluation of answer book.
using this website student can use these kind of  facility. if  student  have  photocopy of his/her Answer book then it would also good to know what have written and what marks you got during SSC Examination.

user can contact support team even if they wanted for mrore clarification regarding payment and other functionality.
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FYJC XI standard online admisson Process and declaraton of Merit list . Cut off List For prevous year also . 10 Th Results onlne declaraton Maharashtra Region .

1 comment:

  1. What time will it taketo complete the whole process as the admission process is going to start very soon for FYJC students???


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