Thursday, 9 July 2020

FYJC Online Registration Form Part 1 Filling Process 2020 Maharashtra Board

 1st of august student needed to fill the FYJC online admission  form part 1 from today around 3 pm .
It has already declared online official website on and and so on for  Nagpur and other Region.  earlier from 26th of august to 31st of august who has filled registration form and got Userid and password simultaneously they can use their unique UserId and password , through which user / Student will logged in in the official website to their respective region and fill the online form part 1.
SSC Results already declared on 29th of July so part 2 registration will also start soon.

Form filling part 1 FYJC

FYJC  Form  Filling Process 2020  Part 1, For Mumbai , Pune , Nashik , Amraavati, Nagpur and other Region .
As We all know That form 1 filling process will start from 15th July till 10th Result Declaration .
so in this article i am going to highlight those this , like what kind of fields are there in Form 1.

So let's begin with Form 1 Part 1,
FYJC Applicant;s School Status.
Applicant's Status.

  1. So , in part 1 student needs to fill the form  that  from which school they  have given examination . Is that withing Maharashtra state and the School is in same city .Student Can check given options , in part 1 .
  2. Application status in part 2 indicate whether the Student is Fresher or Repeater or Previously Passed .
  3. these things will come after 15th july 2020.

Now Move Next 

  1. This shows From Which Board student passed from  is it Maharashtra Board or CBSC (Central Board) , ICSE , etc.. or any other Board .If student has given examination from Maharashtra Board He/She has to  select SSC if it is Central Board  then  CBSC and SO on.

Enter 10th Seat number / Roll no / Hall Ticket number .
10 the Seat number .

  1. To Enter Seat number or Roll number or Hall Ticket Number which was provide by During Examination. if you comes under Maharashtra Board then just enter  Seat Number Rest Data will populate Automatically in Other Field . But , If  student has Given Examination from other Board He/She Need s to Fill all the Field.


  1. Select Your Category. SC , NT , OBC etc..

  1. To fill Details. Example Address and Numbers , Mobile Number address wold be student Address.
  2. 1 mobile number is mandatory , that is why its * mark is there . ans so on.

  1. After filling all these details please save it before you can loose data , might be electricity cut or internet down . the information student is going to fill please fill with very carefully .

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FYJC XI standard online admisson Process and declaraton of Merit list . Cut off List For prevous year also . 10 Th Results onlne declaraton Maharashtra Region .


  1. 16th july first try width Demo server then you will get

    1. But there is Time this form filling process 1 will start after 25th july

  2. For PCMC area school which city need to select?


    1. It will be there because 16th july has mentioned wait for today . today link will come


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