Saturday, 25 July 2020

FYJC Generate Login ID and password and Part 1 Registration Form Process year 2020

FYJC Generate Login ID and password and Part 1 Registration Form Process year 2020
From 26th July onwards and 1st August.
Admission Process Schedule (Mumbai MMR, Pune & Pimpri Chinchwad, Nashik, Aurangabad, Amravati, Nagpur Municipal Corporation Regions)

FYJC Generate Login ID And Password And Part 1 Registration Form Process Year 2020
Sr.Stages of Process DurationResponsibility
1 Online RegistrationGgenerate Login ID and set Password. FromJuly 26, 2020 (11:00am Onwards)Student himself, with the help of his/her parents.)
2 1) Filling of Online Application Form (Part-1)
using your Login ID and Password.
Pay, Check & Lock your form.
2) Getting your Form Verified, From the
School or chosen Guidance Centre.
(Registration will also continue during this)
FromAugust 01, 2020Student himself, with the
help of his/her parents.
(Guidance centre’s help can
be availed on Phone call)
3Online Verification of
students’ Application form.
(Have a phone call to Students if required)
FromAugust 01, 2020Secondary School/
Guidance Centre
Timetable for Filling of Part-2 (Option Form) and further process will be declared after
declaration of the SSC result.
Now if we will check for Mock Registration , that button   is not there , it got removed .
so coming 26th july is key date to make sure Form registration for part 1 has done , and verified later .
that userid and password is very important , whenever user want to login in website and other region also like Mumbai, Pune and Nashik and  so on. U id And Password

  • So , Basically revised time table of 11thadmission online Form Filling process shows that Student can generate UserId and Password online from 26th July  but to fill online form part 1 will start from 1st of august .
  • If any chance user or student forgotten to generate the Userid and password from online Portal that can do same thing from 1st of august .
  • If students are willing to generate theire credential they can make it from tomorrow on , but form registration process will start from 1st of august . and part two will start  after declaration of SSC results , because part 2 requires 10th Marksheets.
Go to the -> Select Your Region -> Mumbai | Pune | Nashik and other .

Generate LoginId and Password FYJC 2020
Generate LoginId and Password FYJC 2020
Click on the Student Registration . then New Form Will. appear .

FYJC Generate Id and password  Form

This Form will appear fill the form and click Register Button .  UserId and Password will generated and will send email id or on mobile number . using this get login and fill form 1 and 2. Login Module
Pleas Enter your UserId and password to logged i the application ad form filling Process.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

11th standard Admission Timetable released on

FYJC Registration Form Part 1 will start from 26th July .

11th std Admission Timetable  is out Now on  which is official website for FYJC online admission process. for Pune , Mumbai , Nashik , Amravati , Auragbaad , Nagpur .

So from 26th July FYJC  Registration Form  Part    1  will be started earlier we were thinking it would be 15th July but date has been changes now. . as we were looking  For HSC Result on 15th July but that is expected between 15 to 20 Max.

So student will get chance to fill online registration process online with demo server .i.e is Mock.Demo.Registration for practice purpose.

They can use this demo server till 24th July From 16th July . After that these data will get erased.
Then from 26th July they can start filling online form 1 with help of parents  or guardian.
Then on 27th July all the Part 1  form has filled will be get verified by respective college if needed the college person can call you (Student)at same moment .

SO after these Part 2 will comes in the picture but after 10th results will out.

For more please View Official website
11thstandard Admission Timetable on Released.
1thadmisison Time Table 

To download this Pls visit then select Region Mumbai , Pune etc..
Go To -> Admission Schedule.

Fyjc Online Registration Form Part 1 Filling Process From 26th July

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

1st year Junior College Merit List Declaration and Form Filling process 2019

1st year Junior College Merit List Declaration and Form Filling process 2019
fyjc 1st | 2nd | 3rd meritlist declaration 2019 maharashtra board

FYJC Merit List Declaration 2019 Date
General merit list Declaration 6 pm on July 6, 2019
Confirming admission to colleges allocated in general merit list: 11 am and 5 pm on July 8 and July 9, and from 11 am to 3 pm on July 10
Publishing of vacancy list and cut off of the first merit list: 7 pm on July 10, 2019
Form filling for applying in the next round: 11 am to 5 pm on July 11 and July 12
FYJC Second merit list Declaration 2019 Maharashtyra Board:
FYJC Second merit list Declaration6 pm on July 15, 2019
Confirming admission to colleges allocated in second merit list: 11 am and 5 pm on July 16 and July 17, and from 11 am to 3 pm on July 18
Publishing of vacancy list and cut off of the second merit list: 7 pm on July 18, 2019
Form filling for applying in the next round: 11 am to 5 pm on July 19 and July 20
FYJC Third merit list Declaration 2019 Maharashtra Board:
FYJC Third merit list Declaration: 6 pm on July 23, 2019
Confirming admission to colleges allocated in third merit list: 11 am and 5 pm on July 24 and July 25, and from 11 am to 3 pm on July 26
Publishing of vacancy list and cut off of the third merit list: 7 pm on July 26, 2019
Form filling for applying in the next round: 11 am to 5 pm on July 27 and July 29

FYJC admissions 2019: Special Round
A special merit list will be published on July 31, 2019, at 6 pm. Students who wish to take admission through the special list can do so on August 1 and August 2, between 11 am and 5 pm.

The vacancy list will be published on the website by 10 am on August 3, 2019.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

First Year Junior College Online Admission Process. 2019

First Year Junior College Online Admission Process. 2019
First Year Junior college online admission Process. 2019  .

Mumbai  | Pune | Amravati | Aurangabaad | Nagpur.

Fyjc online admission process has begun , now its time to reach out your respective school and colleges.
what you need to do .

1. Ask About Booklets which will provide data , I mean names of colleges in your area or area near to.
and also it will gives you idea about college address and cut of marks.
2. To Fill Form for 2 categories .
1)To fill your personal details .
2)To fill your marks , Roll no etc.

  1. Commencement of FYJC Part II registration process  June 2019
  2. FYJC Part II registrations last date  June 2019
  3. Release of FYJC first merit list for bifocal courses June 2019
  4. Confirmation of admission and payment of fees  June 2019
  5. Announcement of vacant seats  June 2019
  6. Exercising options for the second round (bifocal courses) June 2019
  7. FYJC second round seat allotment  June 2019
  8. FYJC second round admission closing date  June 2019
  9. FYJC online option entry for Arts, commerce and science courses June 2019
  10. Declaration of  Fyjc  general merit list  June 2019
  11. Fyjc first merit list declaration  July 2019
  12. Closing of FYJC admissions based on first merit list July 2019
  13. FYJC second merit list release date for Arts, Commerce and Science courses  July 2019

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

FYJC Merit List Declaration | Online Admission Process 2018 June/July

FYJC Merit List Declaration | Online Admission Process 2018 June/July
fyjc merit list declaration and online admission process 2018 june/july
DateTimeAdmission Process
8TH June1PMSSC Results Dreclaration Online
13th June to 18th June11am to 5pmCandidates opting for Bifocal courses will be able to fill online admission
21st June11amCandidates opting for Bifocal First Merit list declaration
21st to 22nd June11am to 5pmOnline addmission for Bifocal First Merit List
23rd June11amOnline Available Seat for Second merit list for Bifocal courses
23rd June to 25th June11am to 5pmOnline filling form for dsecond merit list for Bifocal courses
28th June11amSecond merit list declaration for Bifocal
28th to 29th June11am to 5pmOnline addmission for Bifocal Second Merit List
29th June5pmGeneral Merit List Declaration
5th July11amFyjc First Merit List Declaration
6th July to 9th July11am to 5pmfyjc first merit list admission process(excluding sunday)
10th July11amFirst Cut off list declaration on original website
10th July to 11th July11am to 5PMPart 1 and 2 filling form
13th July4PMfyjc second merit list declaration
14th July to 16th july4PMfyjc second merit online admisison(excluding sunday)
17th july11aMSearching for vacant seat
18th July to 19th July11am to 5PMPart 1 and 2 filling form
23rd July11aMfyjc third merit list declaration
24th July to 25th july11am to 5PMfyjc third merit online admisison
26th july11am to 5PMfyjccutoff list declaration
29th july11am to 5PMfyjc fourth merit list declaration

For more info visit;..

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

FYJC Online Application Form Filling Part 2 from 16th June 2017

FYJC Online Application Form  Filling  Part 2 from 16th June 2017
As we all know that 10th(SSC) standard results has been declared on 13th june by 1 pm as india time.
Now student who has passed they can fill second part application form. as they already filled first part application form.

To fill second part of fyjc online admission for is mandatory for every student , to be part of fyjc online admission process.

fyjc online admission filling application form for part 2 will start from 16th June where student can choose 10 college name for admission.

so just wait for 15th june to get  information when fyjc first merit list will be declare and fyjc second merit list  also.

always try to fill form with very carefully  because on the base of these document process going on ahead.

keep visiting  to get more information.

Friday, 28 April 2017 | fyjc online admission 2017

Date :-12-06-2017:

As we all know 10th (s.s.c) Results  for maharashtra board are going to declare on 13 th june on

Fyjc Students now news for you all. User manual is available Fyjc official website i.e for Mumbai Region.. for Pune Region 

->So please check websites user manual and booklets are available in English as well as Marathi language for more easy to understand other language students.

->Manual describes fee structure , students information and other important information so please go through once  and cut off marks also available more colleges .

->So students score good marks which is very important once results will be out then take part in fyjc online admission process   and Fyjc first merit list , fyjc second merit list , fyjc general merit list 2017 .please read all the information which is provided on fyjc manual and check with your teachers and college and staff member.

-> Friends Fyjc online admission processes has started.  so please carry your documents and necessary  information with you and talk to your college or school members to follow the process.

So here is news for first year junior college admission for year 2017 -18.

few modification has done in this year for college admission . just have a small look at this article.

1-> College portal(online website for admission process( )) has changed, previous year it was so students can easily
fill the form and take admission ,from now its different which would be available on booklet which college will provide to students
who has given 10th exam in this year 2017 .

2-> last years comparison in this year student can select only 10 colleges  for admission .
(which would be 10% cut off margin of student s marks) earlier it was 30 college.
so student can select  10 college . and by chance student would not get admission in first selected round students will get chance in second round.

3-> Student can select  single college name . that is also available.
4->so basic is two way  this procedure will going on.
to fill personal information and provide marks detail and in second way to select 10 college for admission.

if student found or not getting proper idea they can approach they school or college to fill proper form.

because last year it happened many of students were not happy to get selected college admission because of
wrong or half filled information in forms.

if students wants access the site this is original website to access..
10th (s.s.c) Results  for maharashtra board  on 9 th june on  |

Delay is there because Education department wants to make website more user friendly . so it will easy to get and fill information . even booklets need to be publish.last year admission process started on 2nd of may but this year it will start from 25th of may 3 weeks later of last years timing. 

fyjc online admission
fyjc online admission  portal .

Thursday, 9 June 2016

FYJC Ist , IInd , IIIrd Merit List | Online Admission process 2014 | 2015 | 2016

FYJC Ist , IInd , IIIrd  Merit List | Online Admission process  2014 | 2015 | 2016
Already 10th result has declared on 6th june 2016 , on official website .
here we are going to show the declaration of fyjc merit list for year 2016 in june and july.
last year process .
FYJC Ist , IInd , IIIrd  Merit List | Online Admission process  2014 | 2015 | 2016 
so here is the site to see merit list of pune i.e.

or user can simply type this whole thing user or student can acces by their UserID and Password.
which was provided to them on booklet.

Online filling of application forms : June 19,2014 to June 24,2014 up to 5 PM
Junior colleges admissions and online updation of In-housequota,

management quota and
minority quota filled in seats as well as surrender
the vacant seats for round-1 :
June 19 to June 23, 2014 up to 5 PM
Declaration of Merit List – I :
June 28, 2014 at 5 PM
Payment of fees for Merit List - I
(Rs.50/- only) : June 30 and July 1 and 2, 2014 between 10 AM to 4 PM
Junior colleges online updation of In-house quota, management quota
and minority quota surrender the vacant seats for round-2 July 2, 2014 up to 5.30 PM
Declaration of Merit List – II :
July 5 ,2014 at 5 PM
Payment of Fees for Merit List - II
(Rs.50/- only) : July 7 and 8, 2014 between 10 AM to 4 PM
Junior colleges online updation of In-house quota,
management quota and minority
quota surrender the vacant seats for round-3 July 8, 2014 up to 5.30 PM
Declaration of Merit List – III & Final :
July 11 ,2014 at 5 PM
Payment of fees for Merit List – III & Final :
July 12 ,14, 2014 between 10 AM to 4 PM
That was year 2014 merit list declaration and online form filling timing and fee. in this year is has some modification let see whats the changes in this year.
Fyjc online form filling processDate
Fyjc Online admission form filling fyjcJune 10 -june15
Fyjc online form filling changes before merit list June 16 till 3 pm
Fyjc 1st merit list declaration(General)june 20  2015 at 5pm
Fyjc first merit list declarationjune 22  2015 at 5pm
Fyjc last date for fee june 23 - june 25 10 to 3
Fyjc second merit list declaration june 30 - at 2015 5 pm
Fyjc last date for fee july 1- 3 10 to 3 pm
Fyjc third merit list declaration july 6 2015- at 5pm
Fyjc last date for fee july 7-8 10 to 3 pm
Fyjc declaration of remaining meir list july 18 2015 
That was year 2015 merit list declaration and online form filling timing and fee.
in this year is has some modification let see whats the changes in this year.

Online Filling of Application form - June 7, 2016 to June 17, 2016
Declaration of First general list - 20 june 2016 at 5 pm
Online Form correrction - From June 21, 2016 to June 22, 2016 @ 3pm
Declaration of MUMBAI/PUNE FYJC First Merit list - 27 June 2016 @ 5 PM
Payment of Fees - from 28 june to 30 june 2016 between 10 am to 3 pm
Declaration of MUMBAI/PUNE FYJC Second merit list - 4 July 2016 @ 5 pm
Payment of Fees - 5the July 2016, 7th July 2016 and 8th july 2016 between 10 am to 3 pm
Declaration of MUMBAI/PUNE Third merit list - 11 July 2016 @ 5 pm
Payment of Fees - 11th and 13th july between 10am to 3pm

fyjc पहली मेरिट सूचीfyjc پہلی میرٹ لسٹfyjc முதல் தகுதி பட்டியல்
fyjc ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੈਰਿਟ ਸੂਚੀ 'fyjc первый список заслугfyjc প্রথম মেধা তালিকায়
fyjc પ્રથમ મેરિટ યાદીfyjc पहिल्या गुणवत्ता यादी

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

11th Standard | Fyjc Filling Online Application @ 2020-2021 |

11th Standard | Fyjc Filling Online Application @ 2020-2021 |
 1->Enter User id and password which is given in booklet.
2->Enter mobile number.
3->Change your password and select your security questions , and remember new password.
4->Why you need to enter security question , so if you can forgot your password then you can fetch it again by using security questions,
5->Students user id and password is necessary to remember because it need whole process.
because using this user id and password students can feel form after first merit list and after second merit list .
6->In case students have any difficulty in filling application form they can approach  respective school for instruction.

Map Example

Map Example