Thursday, 16 July 2020

Mock Demo Registration link is live now! |

Hello friends As we all are waiting to do Demo i.e Mock Demo , so that link is live .
 link is different for Different Region.
For Mumbai Region  Mock Demo link /website is:
MOCK Demo Button

For Pune Region  Mock Demo link is:

For Nagpur Region  Mock link website is:

For Amravati Region  Mock Demo link  is:

And So for others .  when you will click on Mock Demo  Button then it will redirect you  to New Form with mentioned fields.

 It will appear like this so  student who wanted to give Mock Demo they can  check those all link which are  mentioned at top .

As it is Clearly mentioned that MOCK demo Site is for understanding  student application process , hence it is just permanent as you can see above . these all are valid from 16th July To 24th July . after those days data will be cleared or you an say Erased from this website.

Once You will Register on  this form you will get UserId and Password , which you / Student Can use later  . whenever it is needed and Required

FYJC Login Id and Password and Payment around 150rs

The main Question is coming from where  10th passed or Student who have already given 10th examination , How they will get Login Id and Password?
So , this article s all about getting Login Id and password.

Visit Official Website  for Mumbai , Pune , Nagpur and other Region .

  • These are the Basic process through  which   student will get the Access of the Portal.
  • So view the official website for different different Region  using
  • Now student need to view the Login  form when they will click on respective website link.

  • As we can see on login Box Student Registration link is appearing , so when user or student will click on these link he/she will redirect to new Registration for for Mumbai , Pune and other region but form Format will be same .  

  • Student need to add School Area , and Status whether he is fresher or Repeater so on.

  • Provide Seat / Roll number or Hall ticket number as per your school has provided to give the examination.

Time when student appeared for the examination .
the Form would be something like this .

  • Off course mobile number and Email id if it s available provide in the form also one of your security question which is if you have forgotten your password and some other security purpose.

  • Select password including Capital latter and Number for strong password  . through which user will login in portal.
  • after this student will get the access of portal by login using username and password.

Obviously payment Process is there. user can pay via Debit card , Credit card or net banking many sources are available.
  • Need to pay 150 rs . and your registration will get over . keep your username and password safe,
  • but if you forgotten those things by using Mobile OTP you can recover it 

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

mock.demo.registration Site For Demo or practice purpose

Yesterday ,  Maharashtra Board published Article that Students can start filling online form from 26th July , Hence for Practice they have provide Link through which user or Student  can Start Practicing to record their data in portal but its just demo purpose .

so the question is why people need demo server ?

Basically it needs for testing purpose also , how much load that particular website can manage .
if website is static and there are static pages then its not difficult to manage   , because its just static pages and data , but if its is dynamic website dynamic means where that website is connected with Database and in  that database  , people saving their data i.e Dynamic @ that time it will put more load on Portal or any website  , so if it is happen then website will down  for hour +  .

So solve these issue i guess , New Demo server has launched by 11thadmission portal . i.e mock.demo.registration.
Second reason is also valid which is  ,if student don't have proper idea what to fill and what they don't  want to fill so , make the things  best  and easy  every  one should  follow  these process specially student .Thats why demo server is coming in the picture. so there would be less mistake and correct data and no server load.
so , Tomorrow  mock.demo.registration site will be launched Student please use it till 16th July to 24 th July. after all the data will get erased.

Region and Link Of Mock.demo.registration

RegionDemo Site

HSC Results Will Declare Tomorrow 16th July @ 1pm

HSC Results Will Declare Tomorrow 16th July @ 1pm
So , Guys finally News coming HSC (12) Result will declare tomorrow around 1 PM .
We were Getting lot of news it supposed to announced on 15th July  , we found Many YouTube Videos and News Paper that 12th result from Maharashtra Board will declare on 15th july , but t will declare tomorrow.

To check the  result all the student who has given Examination for this year of 12th standard can check n official website i.e .

So keep update your self .  news is coming from official website.

So , no need to become more panic just relax and view Your result online .
No need to go outside in this covid19 situation as everything is happening online .
enjoy your result and keep study !

11th standard Admission Timetable released on

FYJC Registration Form Part 1 will start from 26th July .

11th std Admission Timetable  is out Now on  which is official website for FYJC online admission process. for Pune , Mumbai , Nashik , Amravati , Auragbaad , Nagpur .

So from 26th July FYJC  Registration Form  Part    1  will be started earlier we were thinking it would be 15th July but date has been changes now. . as we were looking  For HSC Result on 15th July but that is expected between 15 to 20 Max.

So student will get chance to fill online registration process online with demo server .i.e is Mock.Demo.Registration for practice purpose.

They can use this demo server till 24th July From 16th July . After that these data will get erased.
Then from 26th July they can start filling online form 1 with help of parents  or guardian.
Then on 27th July all the Part 1  form has filled will be get verified by respective college if needed the college person can call you (Student)at same moment .

SO after these Part 2 will comes in the picture but after 10th results will out.

For more please View Official website
11thstandard Admission Timetable on Released.
1thadmisison Time Table 

To download this Pls visit then select Region Mumbai , Pune etc..
Go To -> Admission Schedule.

Fyjc Online Registration Form Part 1 Filling Process From 26th July

Saturday, 11 July 2020 | Bihar {FYJC} Intermediate Admission online with Registration form

Bihar Board has already started Online Portal for  FYJC Admission .
FYJC First Year Junior College in other Terms it is Bihar Intermediate Admission or inter online admission 2020 in Bihar .
 So the student who has given 10th Examination in Year 2020 with   CBSE Board , ICSE Board or other  State board can apply  in login portal.
 Online Registration Process for this year has already started from 8th July  and that will end on 17th July .
 This Website is not official website so , for more information and idea please visit Official Website which is if you hit enter it will take you
 Registration form Fee is 300 INR. in their form of(100 + 200) .
Student Can pay These online also using Debit card and Credit card also . Net Banking also Available .

So , The question is What is the procedure to Apply .
1. Valid Email ID which belong to Student ,
2.Phone number .
3.Mark Sheet of the User / Student
4. One Photo , Clear Pic . is the Student  Login page  from where Student will enter the main application .where all the data  of student will come from Database which require Students Mobile or Phone number.
Through page student can view the Data of  College Type , stream like Arts ,Science, Commerce , Agriculture etc.

 While filling application form  and selecting college where student wants to take their admission please  view the Cut off list of respective colleges, which are available  on website

So , Here its explained About Online Form.

Bihar Intermediate Registration Form
Registration Form  For Intermediate

1. Please Select BSEB Bihar By Default . in Name of the Examination Board Column/Field
2.In Year of passing Field select year of passing  like if  your passing year is 2019 and this year you want to take admission then select 2019 , if your passing year is 2020 then select 2020.
3. Exam Type is there Annual or Compartment select Annul by Default.
4.Select Your Date OF Birth ,, Day / Month. Year in Date OF Birth Fields.
5.Add or Enter your Roll Code and Roll Number respectively.
6.Applicant's Name is Student Name {as per Mark sheet name and Aadhar name }followed by Father name and Mother Name / Upload Student Your PIC .

1. Fill the Marks You Got in Total Full Marks out of  500.
2.In The Name of school add your school Name, Address of School , District and when you joined the School . that is year of joining  , Year of leaving As  well off course it would be current year.
3. Select your  Personal details .

Select and Fill all the details Regarding your Address Details and other thing s.

Now here is the Main Part coming of Select  of Five colleges . if you will click on Yes then already  the data or college you have selected would be added .

so it would be selected like these. after these confirmation pay the payment and print the Statement .

Thursday, 9 July 2020

FYJC Online Registration Form Part 1 Filling Process 2020 Maharashtra Board

 1st of august student needed to fill the FYJC online admission  form part 1 from today around 3 pm .
It has already declared online official website on and and so on for  Nagpur and other Region.  earlier from 26th of august to 31st of august who has filled registration form and got Userid and password simultaneously they can use their unique UserId and password , through which user / Student will logged in in the official website to their respective region and fill the online form part 1.
SSC Results already declared on 29th of July so part 2 registration will also start soon.

Form filling part 1 FYJC

FYJC  Form  Filling Process 2020  Part 1, For Mumbai , Pune , Nashik , Amraavati, Nagpur and other Region .
As We all know That form 1 filling process will start from 15th July till 10th Result Declaration .
so in this article i am going to highlight those this , like what kind of fields are there in Form 1.

So let's begin with Form 1 Part 1,
FYJC Applicant;s School Status.
Applicant's Status.

  1. So , in part 1 student needs to fill the form  that  from which school they  have given examination . Is that withing Maharashtra state and the School is in same city .Student Can check given options , in part 1 .
  2. Application status in part 2 indicate whether the Student is Fresher or Repeater or Previously Passed .
  3. these things will come after 15th july 2020.

Now Move Next 

  1. This shows From Which Board student passed from  is it Maharashtra Board or CBSC (Central Board) , ICSE , etc.. or any other Board .If student has given examination from Maharashtra Board He/She has to  select SSC if it is Central Board  then  CBSC and SO on.

Enter 10th Seat number / Roll no / Hall Ticket number .
10 the Seat number .

  1. To Enter Seat number or Roll number or Hall Ticket Number which was provide by During Examination. if you comes under Maharashtra Board then just enter  Seat Number Rest Data will populate Automatically in Other Field . But , If  student has Given Examination from other Board He/She Need s to Fill all the Field.


  1. Select Your Category. SC , NT , OBC etc..

  1. To fill Details. Example Address and Numbers , Mobile Number address wold be student Address.
  2. 1 mobile number is mandatory , that is why its * mark is there . ans so on.

  1. After filling all these details please save it before you can loose data , might be electricity cut or internet down . the information student is going to fill please fill with very carefully .

Thursday, 2 July 2020 New Portal For Fyjc online Admission

FYJC new Portal for  online Admisison For Pune Region through which student can take 11thadmission  online .
Maharashtra Board has launched New Portal .
where we can found {Mumbai} | {Pune} | {Nashik} | {Auragbaad} | {Nagpur} | {Amravati} Portal link also .

So , From Now using One portal student can visit  other  online admission website also .
So Here is simple logic .
  • Declare MainPortal as words(10)
  • SET  MainPortal=

12th August - 22nd August Quota Admission & Part 2 Form Submission
23rd August Declaration of FYJC First General Merit list
30th August Declaration of FYJC First Merit list | Regular Round 1 Allotment 2020 2020
31th August - 3rd September Declaration of Online confirmation of admission to round 1 2020
September 2020 FYJC Merit List 2 2020
September 2020 FYJC Merit List 3 2020
September 2020 Special Round Merit List 2020
Start User Entered on MainPortal

If StudentClickedRegion=="Mumbai"
   StudentWillRedirectTo =>
else if  StudentClickedRegion=="Pune"
   StudentWillRedirectTo =>
else if  StudentClickedRegion=="Aurangabad"
   StudentWillRedirectTo =>
else if  StudentClickedRegion=="Amravati"
   StudentWillRedirectTo =>
else if  StudentClickedRegion=="Nashik"
   StudentWillRedirectTo =>
else if  StudentClickedRegion=="Nagpur"
   StudentWillRedirectTo =>

After Entering On Respected Portal Login page will appear.

  • Everything will be online on this portal .
  • Booklet will be available online , on pdf format or any app format .
  • Form filling Part will start from 15th july till 10th result will get out.
  • Form  filling Part 2 will start after SSC result declaration . 
  •  Student need to upload document online , which will be verified by Respective College member.
  • Fee process will also be online , no need to visit Bank Branch .
No Admission will happening offline . everything will be online , To make FYJC online Admission Process faster . on .

Many More things are available like ..

For Mumbai online Admission :-
Pune :-
Aurangabad : -
Nashik : -

All websites are Secure , each one has https active.
So using link or you can say URL  we can view all other region Portal also.
11th admission pune 2020-21

Form Filling Info
Mock.Demo.Registration is started on
pls view the link :-

Through this Student can fill the form but that is for demo purpose  . Once demo Registration will get over around 24th of July then all  the changes has made by user or student.
Mock.Demo.Registration  button   is removed from Home Page .

Now From 26th July Student will chase website to  do the Registration . this registration will not Form I Filling Process but to get Username and Password .
User Registration for loginId and Password
If Student Will click Student Registration page then he/She will open the Registration form .By Filling the details of the from user will get or he/she can create his/Her Login and password which will needed while feeling part 1 from which is going to start from 1st Of august .
Till then Student only create or generate his/Her Password and LoginId.

In User Registration form what user need to Fill as mentioned below.
Applicant's School Area

  1. Within PMC and PCMC Area
  2. Outside PMC and PCMC Area
  3. Outside Maharashtra State

Column student needs to Fill while Doing Registration.

  1. Applicant's Status 
  2. 10th Standard or Equivalent Examination Board 
  3. Applicant's Personal Information
  4. 10th Standard or Equivalent Examination Details 
  5. Applicant's Contact Details
  6. Security Question Details
  7. Password Details

State Other 

  1. Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad
  2. Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad
  3. Andhra Pradesh Open School Society, SCERT Campus, Hyderabad
  4. Asam Higher Secondary Education Council, Assam State Open School Bamunimaidan, Guwahati
  5. Assam Board of Secondary Education, Guwahati
  6. Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati
  7. Bihar Board of Open Schooling & Examination, Patna
  8. Bihar Intermediate Education Council, Patna
  9. Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna
  10. Bihar School Examination Board, Patna
  11. Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana
  12. Chhatisgarh Board of Secondary Education & State Open School, Raipur
  13. Chhatisgarh Board of Secondary Education, Raipur
  14. Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Goa
  15. Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhi Nagar
  16. Gujarat State Open School, Gandhinagar Gujarat
  17. Haryana Board of Education, Hansi Road, Bhiwani
  18. Haryana Open School, Bhiwani
  19. Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala
  20. Himachal Pradesh State Open School, Dharamsala, Kangra
  21. J&K State Board of School Education, Jammu
  22. J&K State Open School, Srinagar
  23. Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi
  24. Karnataka Board of the Pre-University Education, Bangalore
  25. Karnataka Open School, J.S.S. Maha Vidya Peeth, Mysore
  26. Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Borad, Bangalore
  27. Kerala Board of Higher Secondary Education, Thiruvananthapuram
  28. Kerala Board of Public Examinations, Pareeksha Bhawan, Thiruvananthpuram
  29. Kerala State Open School, Thiruvananthapuram
  30. M.P. State Open School, Bhopal
  31. Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Bhopal
  32. Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune
  33. Manipur Board of Secondary Education, Imphal
  34. Manipur Council of Higher Secondary Education, Imphal
  35. Meghalaya Board of School Education, Meghalaya
  36. Mizoram Board of School Education Chaltlan, Aizawl
  37. Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima
  38. Orissa Board of Secondary Education, Cuttack
  39. Orissa Council of Higher Secondary Education Bhubaneswar
  40. Punjab School Education Board, Mohali
  41. Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer
  42. Rajasthan State Open School, Jaipur
  43. Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education, Chennai
  44. Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education, Chennai
  45. Tamil Nadu State Open School, Chennai
  46. Tripura Board of Secondary Education, Agartala, Tripura West
  47. U.P. Board of High School & Intermediate Education, Allahabad
  48. Uttranchal Shiksha Evm Pariksha Parishad, Ram Nagar, Nanital
  49. West Bengal Board of Madrasa Education
  50. West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Calcutta
  51. West Bengal Council for Rabindra Open Schooling
  52. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, Calcutta
  53. Outside India

Map Example

Map Example