Sunday, 30 August 2020

Fyjc Allotment List For Regular Round 1 Declared At 6pm

FYJC Allotment List For Regular Round will display @6pm . it was supposed to be display at 3 pm.
Mumbai Portal was getting down because of heavy load on server .
Same thing was happened at the time of  mock.demo.registration link .
because all student attended Website at same time . But later its started slowly slowly .
so if it will not display at 3 o clock . it will display around 6 . but  if it will not display around 6 then wait do alternate time for checking allotment list on Online website .

Check in the evening  or after the evening .

visit Official Website and log in with Userid and password

Where and How to check FYJC First Round Merit list ? 2020 Mumbai | Nashik | Nagpur.

How to check FYJC first Merit List  2020.
How to check FYJC First General Merit list .
Date: 30th August.

FYJC 1st Merit list

Its Time to view FYJC First Merit List arount 3 pm  , it can declare around 4 pm or it could be delay .
This Merit list include Arts , Commerce and Science  and IT Stream.

Where to Check FYJC First Round Merit List?
FYJC Round 1 merit list 2020

It will display Below the Provisional Merit list .

Click On that Menu and check your status .
FYJC First Merit List Mumbai 2020

How to View Colleges Name ?

To view College name please login into official Website .
Mumbai :
Pune :
Nagpur :

Once you Logged in in View Left Side menu .
please check  FYJC round Merit List .
college will display and Cut off list also display There .

Friday, 10 April 2020

Nagpur Merit list dates 2019-20

Nagpur Merit list dates 2019-20

FYJC Merit List Declaration | Revised Time table

As we all know to filling form 1 and 2 is extended till 4th july and now that  get over .

Date /Time Description
5th July 7 PM Displaying General merit list for correction | FYJC 1st merit list declaration

12th July 6 PM SESD FYJC First Merit Declaration year 2019-2020
13th July 11-5 | 11-3 PM SESD Online Admission For FYJC First Merit list
15th July 11-5 | 11-3 PM SESD Online Admission For FYJC First Merit list
16th July 11-5 | 11-3 PM SESD Online Admission For FYJC First Merit list
16th July 7 PM Publish Vacant Seat For FYJC Merit List
16th July 7 PM Online Display Cut off of FYJC First Merit list
17th && 18th july 11-5 PM Filling Part 1 and online admission Form & Edit Part 2 Form | FYJC 2nd merit list declaration

22nd july 6PM SESD online Declaration of FYJC second merit list
23rd - 25td july 11-5 /11-3 PM Online Admission Process for second merit list
25th july 7 PM Display Vacant List
27th && 28th july 11-5 PM Filling Part 1 and online admission Form & Edit Part 2 Form | FYJC 3rd merit list declaration

1st August 2019 PM Declatation of FYJC tdird Merit list
2nd - 3-rd -5th August 11-5 /11-3 PM Online Admission Process for second merit list
5th August 7 PM Display Vanacy for list and display cut off of respective list
6th August / 7th August 2019 11-5 PM Filling Part 1 and online admission Form & Edit Part 2 Form | FYJC Special merit list declaration

9th August Online declaration of Special Merit List
10th August / 13th august 7 PM Admission Process
14th August 10 PM Publish Vacant Seat

Thursday, 9 April 2020 | Fyjc Merit list declation 2019 - 2020 | Fyjc Merit list declation 2019 - 2020

11th online Admission process 2018-19 Schedule

Nagpur Fyjc Admission Process Booklet :

Date TimeDetails
Friday 8thJune 2018 1 PMAnnouncement of 10th result
13 to 18thJune 2018 (6 days)Filling options form (Part-II) for Bifocal subjects. Start to fill the forms of Arts, Commerce, science and MCVC stream Quota Admission-Zero round. Quota admissions merit list will be declared at college level and concerned colleges will upload the quota admission from time to time.
13 to 25thJune 2018 up to 5 pmFilling forms of Part-I and Part-IIof other streams except Bifocal. Quota admissions will continue.
21stJune 2018 11 amDisplaying first merit list for Bifocal subject.
21st and 22nd June 2018 From 11 to 5 pmOnline admission for Bifocal of 1st merit list.
23rd June 2018 11 amPublishing vacancy position for Bifocal subjects, second round..
23rdto 25th June 2018 (excluding Sunday) From 11 to 5 pmFilling preferences for second round Bifocal subjects. 8-> 25th June 2018 5 PM Panel will close for filling Part-I and Part- II
28th June 2018 11 AMDisplaying second merit list of Bifocal subject.
28th to 29th June 2018 11 AM to 5 PMOnline admission for second merit list of Bifocal subject. 11-> 29th June 2018 5 PM Displaying general merit list
30th June to 2nd July 2018 Submitting corrections to Deputy Director of Education in prescribed format
3rd July 2018 11AMCorrection of complaints. Time given to Agency
5th July 2018 11 AMDisplaying first general merit list
6th to 9th July 2018 (excluding Sunday) 11 AM to 5 PMGiving online admission for first general merit list.
10th July 2018 11 AM Publishing vacancy list and cut off of the first merit list on website
10th and 11th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PMFilling of Part-I and Part-II of admission forms.
13th July 2018 4 PMDisplaying second general merit list
14th to 16th July 2018 (excluding Sunday) 11 AM to 5 PMAdmission for second general merit list.
17th July 2018 11 amPublishing vacancy list on website. 11th online Admission process 2018-19 Timetable
18th to 19th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PMInstructions: 1. After completing 70% of the students, the students of the Higher Secondary / Junior Colleges are permitted to start regular classes for the 11th standard. 2. Junior colleges will be responsible for completing the syllabus of the students admitted after the commencement of colleges by conducting extra lectures / practicals. Filling Part-I and Part-II of admission form.
21st July 2018 11 amProviding third general merit list for audit.
23rd July 2018 11amPublishing Third general merit list.
24th to 25th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PM Admission for third general merit list.
26th July 2018 11 amPublishing vacant seats and cut-off list of third merit list.
26th and 27th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PMFilling Part-I and Part-II forms
29th July 2018 11 amPublishing 4th general merit list
30th to 31st July 2018 11 AM to 5PM Admission of students for 4th general merit list.
1st to 4th August 2018Collecting applications from desirous student’s for admission to Bifocal subjects, admitting students as per reservation and merit and uploading the admission.
After completing 70% of the students, the students of the Higher Secondary /
Junior Colleges are permitted to start regular classes for the 11th standard.
2. Junior colleges will be responsible for completing the syllabus of the students
admitted after the commencement of colleges by conducting extra lectures /

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

FYJC Merit List Declaration | Online Admission Process 2018 June/July

FYJC Merit List Declaration | Online Admission Process 2018 June/July
fyjc merit list declaration and online admission process 2018 june/july
DateTimeAdmission Process
8TH June1PMSSC Results Dreclaration Online
13th June to 18th June11am to 5pmCandidates opting for Bifocal courses will be able to fill online admission
21st June11amCandidates opting for Bifocal First Merit list declaration
21st to 22nd June11am to 5pmOnline addmission for Bifocal First Merit List
23rd June11amOnline Available Seat for Second merit list for Bifocal courses
23rd June to 25th June11am to 5pmOnline filling form for dsecond merit list for Bifocal courses
28th June11amSecond merit list declaration for Bifocal
28th to 29th June11am to 5pmOnline addmission for Bifocal Second Merit List
29th June5pmGeneral Merit List Declaration
5th July11amFyjc First Merit List Declaration
6th July to 9th July11am to 5pmfyjc first merit list admission process(excluding sunday)
10th July11amFirst Cut off list declaration on original website
10th July to 11th July11am to 5PMPart 1 and 2 filling form
13th July4PMfyjc second merit list declaration
14th July to 16th july4PMfyjc second merit online admisison(excluding sunday)
17th july11aMSearching for vacant seat
18th July to 19th July11am to 5PMPart 1 and 2 filling form
23rd July11aMfyjc third merit list declaration
24th July to 25th july11am to 5PMfyjc third merit online admisison
26th july11am to 5PMfyjccutoff list declaration
29th july11am to 5PMfyjc fourth merit list declaration

For more info visit;..

Friday, 16 June 2017

FYJC merit list declaration 2017 July/

FYJC merit list declaration  2017 July/
FYJC merit list declaration  2017 June / July 

fyjc online schedule 

FYJC merit list declaration and admission process july 2017 |
Submission of online forms16th June 2017 to 27th June 2017 29th June 2017
Fyjc General Merit Declaration4th July 5 PM
Fyjc first Merit Declaration/Cut Off list10th July 5 PM
Admission Process after fyjc first merit list declaration11th july to 18th july
Fyjc second Merit Declaration/Cut Off list20th July 5 PM
Admission Process after fyjc second merit list declaration21th july to 25th july
Fyjc third Merit Declaration/Cut Off list29th July 5 PM
Admission Process after fyjc third merit list declaration31st july to 2nd August till 5 pm
Fyjc fourth Merit Declaration/Cut Off list(If Needed)6th August 5 PM
Admission Process after fyjc fourth merit list declaration7th and 8th August till 5 pm

FYJC admission process timetable year 2017 June for pune Region / July
Submission of online forms
Fyjc first Merit Declaration/Cut Off list5th July 10 PM
Fyjc second Merit Declaration/Cut Off list13th July 10 PM
Fyjc Third Merit Declaration/Cut Off list19th July 10 PM

Friends now something important for every student who are filling fyjc online form for admission on site is to keep in touch with

For Mumbai Region -
For Pune Region - 
For Nashik Region -
For Nagpur Region -
For Aurangabad

 So when filling form will get done from 16th june to 27th june then there would be fyjc merit list declaration. so here i have mentioned schedule for merit list declaration and admission process after merit list declaration of their official website.

  There might be changes in coming schedule so keep visiting website i have mentioned above
1. Log in using ‘Login-ID’ and ‘password’ given in the information booklet for first login.

2. Change the password and keep it in your mind for next Logins.

3. Add security questions and keep answers in your mind.

4. Take print-out of security question, answer and change the passward.

5. Follow the screen instructions and proceed with the online admission step by step.

6. After entering the examination seat number, the Maharashtra state SSC board students’
(Appearing for March 2018 exam) personal information will be filled automatically in the
relevant fields.

7. Priviously passed and other than Maharashtra State Board students should fill in themselves
their personal information.

8. All students from Std 11th Centralise online admission area of Maharashtra State Board,
must get approved their admission form part-1 from their respective school for the
information (such as Applicant’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, caste category,
constitutional or special reservation, etc.)

9. Students outside centralise online admission area of Maharashtra State Board as well as
other than Maharashtra State Board students must get approved their application form at the
guidance center.

10. Only after this approval, students are eligible to fill part-2 (i.e. college preferences).

11. Click on the CONFIRM button and get your admission form confirmed.

12. Applicants with any grievance or correction in data should get the form and documents
approved from the school.

13. Applicants claiming any constitutional and/or special reservation including open category
student should get the form and documents approved from the school.

14. Thus, after completing all the information in part-1, students should click the confirm button.

15. Get your confirmed form approved from school principal or guidance center.

16. Take print-out of the approved form and preserve it carefully.

17. Without approval, the form will be in “PENDING STATUS” and these incomplete forms will
not be considered at all for admission process, further, the students should note that even
part-2 of the form (college preferences) will not be available for pending status forms,
students are advised to check “MY STATUS” after completing the form for approval.
18. Part-2 of the form will be available only after having APPROVED in MY STATUS.

19. Once part-2 is opened, SSC board students can see their best of five marks of SSC
automatically, besides the regular students of SSC board, it is compulsory for all other students
to fill their std.10th marks. Reapiters, priviously passed and other board students should fill
their marks and get approval to marks filled from school principals or guidence centers.

20. After filling the marks, select a stream and submit your form. Then the list of all colleges
showing aided, unaided, medium wise colleges, will be available. While giving preferences,
applicant must carefully, consider his/her percentage of marks, last years’ cut-off marks of
the school/college, aided/unaided, fees, medium, available subjects, distance between school/
college and your residence and timings of school/college chosen and available transport
facilities. As per applicants choice he/she should give MINIMUM ONE and MAXIMUM
TEN preferences and arrange the selected college code preferences to fill in the form and
get the print-out of the part-1 and part-2.

if we will discuss about past year it was declared on 1st of july on website .
then 2nd merit list and third which will be declare on website in this year. many of student has filled wrong data or wrong information thats why 4th merit list was declared. so pls before filling information ask someone's help  if you don't understand what to  fill.'


27. Applicants to whom higher secondary school/junior college of first preference is
allocated; he/she must confirm admission in the concerned school/college by paying
full fees. The names of students who are allotted college of his/her first preference
will be restricted/blocked for the next rounds.

28. Applicants who are allocated to higher secondary school/junior college other than first
preference and are interested in taking admission in the same, can confirm admission in the
concerned school/college by paying full fees; and these names of admitted students will be
restricted/blocked for the next rounds. If the students do not confirm their admission in this
stipulated time, they will be eligible to change their college preferences for the next rounds.

29. In this way, there will be four merit-lists with its admission schedule and then the regular

lectures of std.11 th will start.

More Info....

Map Example

Map Example