FYJC Allotment List For Regular Round will display @6pm . it was supposed to be display at 3 pm.
Mumbai Portal was getting down because of heavy load on server .
Same thing was happened at the time of mock.demo.registration link .
because all student attended Website at same time . But later its started slowly slowly .
so if it will not display at 3 o clock . it will display around 6 . but if it will not display around 6 then wait do alternate time for checking allotment list on Online website .
Check in the evening or after the evening .
visit Official Website and log in with Userid and password
Mumbai Portal was getting down because of heavy load on server .
Same thing was happened at the time of mock.demo.registration link .
because all student attended Website at same time . But later its started slowly slowly .
so if it will not display at 3 o clock . it will display around 6 . but if it will not display around 6 then wait do alternate time for checking allotment list on Online website .
Check in the evening or after the evening .
visit Official Website and log in with Userid and password