Monday, 6 April 2020

Bifocal cutoff round-1 2019-20 (nashik)

Nashik Region from Maharashtra board  Cut off list . including college name and  Branch. including Open , SC , ST , OBC , SBC .etc.. Year 2019 with Sciencr , Commerce Stream.

Bifocal cutoff round-1 2019-20 (nashik)

Jrcollegename Branch Open SC ST OBC TBM_OBC DT_NT_A NTI_B NT3_D SBC EWS
Byk college of commerce nashik Commerce 408 0 0 215 0 0 207 0 0 306
Hpt arts and ryk science junior college college road nashik Science 472 411 381 462 418 451 401 435 461 441
Hpt arts and ryk science junior college college road nashik Science 467 383 0 441 443 441 355 279 404 0
Hpt arts and ryk science junior college college road nashik Science 429 414 378 387 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hpt arts and ryk science junior college college road nashik Science 456 362 0 330 406 418 0 443 0 0
Hpt arts and ryk science junior college college road nashik Science 469 382 0 423 402 0 0 400 323 0
Hpt arts and ryk science junior college college road nashik Science 460 0 0 377 366 0 0 0 0 0
Bhonsala military college nashik Science 464 0 0 378 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bhonsala military college nashik Science 419 0 0 362 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bhonsala military college nashik Science 412 0 0 315 381 0 0 0 0 0
K t h m  college gangapur raod Science 468 253 0 409 0 0 0 423 349 0
K t h m  college gangapur raod Science 421 318 301 300 0 0 0 0 0 0
K v n  naik arts com and science college canada corner nashik Science 453 287 0 400 0 0 0 439 406 0
K v n  naik arts com and science college canada corner nashik Science 442 0 0 358 375 424 0 375 0 0
Loknete vyankatrao hiray kanisth mahavidhyalay panchavati  panchavati college Science 416 0 0 405 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loknete vyankatrao hiray kanisth mahavidhyalay panchavati  panchavati college Science 347 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loknete vyankatrao hiray kanisth mahavidhyalay panchavati  panchavati college Science 351 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yews national high school for boys and junior college nasik Science 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shri dayabhai devasi bytco boys high school and jr college nashik Science 380 0 337 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shri dayabhai devasi bytco boys high school and jr college nashik Science 317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arts commerce and science jr college nashik road Science 426 0 0 330 0 0 0 0 0 425
Arts commerce and science jr college nashik road Science 405 0 0 280 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arts commerce and science jr college nashik road Science 436 0 0 359 0 0 0 0 0 0
G d sawant senior and shri siddhivinayak jr  arts comm  sci and bcs mahavidyalay Science 405 208 0 210 0 0 0 398 0 0
G d sawant senior and shri siddhivinayak jr  arts comm  sci and bcs mahavidyalay Science 389 384 0 340 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nashik presidency junior college Science 463 0 0 373 0 433 456 439 0 0

Sunday, 5 April 2020

FYJC Merit List declaration for Nashik 2018

11th online Admission process 2018-19 Timetable

FYJC Merit List declaration for Nashik 2018

Friday 8thJune 2018 1 PMAnnouncement of 10th result
13 to 18thJune 2018 (6 days)Filling options form (Part-II) for Bifocal subjects. Start to fill the forms of Arts, Commerce, science and MCVC stream Quota Admission-Zero round. Quota admissions merit list will be declared at college level and concerned colleges will upload the quota admission from time to time.
13 to 25thJune 2018 up to 5pmFilling forms of Part-I and Part-IIof other streams except Bifocal. Quota admissions will continue.
21stJune 2018 11 amDisplaying first merit list for Bifocal Subject.
21st and 22nd June 2018 From 11to 5 pmOnline admission for Bifocal of 1st merit list.
23rd June 2018 11 amPublishing vacancy position for Bifocal subjects, second round.
23rdto 25th June 2018 (excluding Sunday)From 11 to 5 pm Filling preferences for second round Bifocal subjects.
25th June 2018 5 PMPanel will close for filling Part-I and Part-II
28th June 2018 11 AMDisplaying second merit list of Bifocal subject.
28th to 29th June 2018 11 AM to 5 PMOnline admission for second merit list of Bifocal subject.
29th June 2018 5 PMDisplaying general merit list
30th June to 2nd July 2018Submitting corrections to Deputy Director of Education in prescribed format
3rd July 2018 11AM Correction of complaints.Time given to Agency
5th July 2018 11 AM Displaying first general merit list
6th to 9th July 2018
(excluding Sunday)
11 AM to 5 PM
Giving online admission for first general merit list.
10th July 2018 11 AM Publishing vacancy list and cut off of the
first merit list on website.
10th and 11th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PM Filling of Part-I and Part-II of admission forms.
13th July 2018 4 PM Displaying second general merit list.
14th to 16th July 2018 (excluding Sunday)11 AM to 5 PMAdmission for second general merit list.
17th July 2018 11 am Publishing vacancy list on website. 11th online Admission process 2018-19 Timetable
18th to 19th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PM Filling Part-I and Part-II of admission form.
21st July 2018 11 am Providing third general merit list for audit.
23rd July 2018 11am Publishing Third general merit list.
24th to 25th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PM Admission for third general merit list.
26th July 2018 11 am Publishing vacant seats and cut-off list of third merit list.
26th and 27th July 2018 11 AM to 5 PM Filling Part-I and Part-II forms.
29th July 2018 11 am Publishing 4th general merit list
30th to 31st July 2018 11 AM to 5 PM Admission of students for 4th general merit list
1st to 4th August 2018 Collecting applications from desirous
student’s for admission to Bifocal subjects, admitting students as per reservation and merit and uploading the admission.
  • 1. After completing 70% of the students, the students of the Higher Secondary / Junior Colleges are permitted to start regular classes for the 11th standard.
  • 2. Junior colleges will be responsible for completing the syllabus of the students admitted after the commencement of colleges by conducting extra lectures / practicals.

FYJC Nashik Cut Off list for Science & commerce & Arts 2018

FYJC Nashik Cut Off list  for Science & commerce & Arts 2018

FYJC CutOffs For Nashik Region with Stream For Stream Of Science | Arts | Commerce.

Friends please view the video and Find the Excel Sheets where it has clearly mentioned the cut off list OF Fyjc First merit list Which was declared @5th July 11 AM.

In This Article i have shown how can student who wants to fill form for Fyjc Second Merit list they can view cut off list of respective Nashik colleges.

FYJC Nashik Colleges

Universal College Of Commerce And Science

  • Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Secondary Andhigh School Vidhyalay

  • Dr  Kakasaheb Deodhar Sec Engl Sch

  • Matoshri Junior College

  • K K  Wagh Secondary School And Junior College Saraswati Nagar Panchavati Nashik

  • Shree Swami Narayan Junior College

  • Shriram Vidhyalay And Junior College

  • D N Patil Madhyamik Vidyalay And Junior College Gangapur Gaon Nashik

  • Wisdom High International School And Junior College

  • Don Bosco School  And  Junior College

  • Byk College Of Commerce Nashik

  • S M R K B K A K  Mahila Mahavidhyalay Nashik

  • Hpt Arts And Ryk Science College Nashik

  • Sir Dr M S Gosavi Jr College Of Scince And Com

  • Sir Dr M S Gosavi College Of Commerce Junior College Unit Of Commerce And Science

  • Bhonsala Military Junior College Rambhumi

  • C M C S  Junior College Gangapur Road

  • Shree Ambalal Premji Patel High School And Junior College

  • Janta Vidyalay V Junior College Satpur

  • Fravashi Academy Junior College

  • Ambrosia English School And Junior College

  • Boys Town Junior College Nashik

  • R K Kalani Junior College

  • Hindi Secondary And Higher Secondary School

  • K T H M  College Gangapur Raod

  • K V N  Naik Arts Com And Science College Canada Corner Nashik

  • Shri Pramod Patil Sppac Junior College

  • Unnati Secondary And Hig Secondary School Nashik

  • Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Kanisth Mahavidhyalay Panchavati  Panchavati College

  • Ramabai Ambedkar Madyamic And Uccha Madyamic Vidyalaya Nashik

  • Yews National High School For Boys And Junior College Nasik

  • Govt.Technical & Comm.High School Centre, Nashik

  • Y D Bytco Girls High School And Jr  College Nashik

  • Shri Dayabhai Devasi Bytco Boys High School And Jr College Nashik

  • Anand Maharaj Arts Comm And Sci  College Manurgaon Manurgaon Phata Nandur Naka Nashik Road

  • K N Kela High School And Progressive Sci  And Comm  Junior College Jailroad

  • S K Pande Sec Vidya And Ju  College  Chehedi

  • Anglo Urdu High Sch Ns Rd

  • Dhanlaxmi Uccha Madhyamik Vidyalay

  • Matoshri Savitribai Phule Madhyamik Vidyalay And Guruvarya M S Shinde Com Jr Co

  • Purshottam English School Aani Arambha Mahavidyalay

  • K J Mehta Highschool And E Y Fadol Jr College Nashik Road

  • Bytco College Nashik Road Arts Com And Sci Jr College

  • Sukhdev Madhaymik Vidyamandir And Junior College

  • Day Care Center  Madhyamik Va Uchya Madhyamik Vidya Ramnagar Nasik

  • G D Sawant Senior And Shri Siddhivinayak Jr  Arts Comm  Sci And Bcs Mahavidyalay

  • Saint Lawrence Sec Sch Morwadi

  • Gramoday Secondary  And Higher  Secondary School

  • K S K W Arts Sci And Comm  College Cidco

  • Indian Public School And Junior College

  • Gargi Junior College

  • Poddar Junior College

  • Sadhana Education Junior College

  • Sahaj Blossam Junior College

  • Nashik Presidency Junior College

  • Guru Gobind Singh Public School And Junior College

  • Universal Academy Junior College Of Commerce And Science

  • Motiwala Junior College

  • Map Example

    Map Example