Friday, 27 November 2020

Second Merit list Admission and Time Table 2020

Second Merit list Admission and  Time Table  2020
26-11-2020, 10:00 AM Display of vacancy list for Regular Admission round-II (including Quota seats surrendered by Jr. Colleges and SEBC seats converted to General)
26-11-2020, 05:00 PM To 01-12-2020 11:55 PM 1. SEBC student’s consent for change of their category to General. 2. Application form (Part-1) edit and Choice filling / updating of option form (Part-2) for for Regular Round-II will start. 3. Verification of Form by Guidance centre / secondary schools as per the guidelines issued earlier. 4. New student can also submit their Part-1 & 2 Forms during this period. 5. Application for Management or Minority Quota can be submitted to respective Jr. Colleges. 6. Application Form Part-1 Filling will be closed. Note: - In view of the delayed admission process due to stay on SEBC reservation by Hon*ble Supreme Court of India, Students whose admission was rejected or cancelled and got 1" preference but not taken admission during Round-1, are also be allowed to participate in this Round.
02-12-2020, 05:00 PM Additional time for Verification of Part -1 by Guidance centre and Sec. Schools. Updation of Choices in Option form, Part-2 Filling will be closed.
03-12-2020 To 04-12-2020 Time reserved for DATA PROCESSING Preparation of Merit list of eligible Candidates. Audit of allocation by divisional CAP committees.
05-12-2020, 11:00 AM 1) Display of Jr. College Allotment List for Regular Round-II Admissions. 2) Display of allotted Jr. College for admission in student’s login. 3) Display of allotted students list in concerned college login. 4) Display of cut-off list for Regular Admission Round-2. 5) SMS to students.
05-12-2020, 11:30 AM To 09-12-2020, 05:00 PM 1) Students to click (Proceed For Admission) if ok with allotted Jr. College 2) Confirmation of admission in the allotted Jr. College by Student. 3) Admission Confirmation, Rejection & Admission cancellation at Jr. College. Login. 4) Quota Admission process also continue. (Management & Minority) 5) Management Quota seats can be Surrendered. 6) Registration & Part-1 filling will start for New applicants.(for next round). Notes: - • Students who have been allotted to first preference, it is compulsory to take admission in the allotted Jr. College. • If such students failed to take admission or Rejected, they will be blocked for further Regular Rounds and will be considered during Special Round only. • If a student wish to cancel his/her confirmed admission, can request concerned Jr. College for this and get the admission cancelled. • Such students who have cancelled their admissions will be restricted for further Regular rounds and will have to wait till Special round only. • For Jr.Colleges- In view COVID-19 Pandemic situation, Jr. Colleges should collect their admission fee only through Digital Payment modes, like Payment Gateway, Bank Transfer (NEFT/RTGS/IMPS/UPI), any e-Wallets approved by the Govt. of India / Reserve Bank of India to contain the spreading of coronavirus.
09-12-2020, 08:00 PM Time for Jr. Colleges to upload status of admitted students on the website. (05:00 PM To 08:00 PM)
10-12-2020,Display of vacancy list for third regular admission round. (including Quota seats surrendered by Jr. colleges)

Thursday, 3 September 2020

FYJC Second Round Merit list Postponed till further notice

FYJC Second  Round Merit list  Postponed till further notice
FYJC Second  Round Merit list  Postponed till further notice

Display Of vacancy list for Regular Admission Round2.
including Quota seats surrendered by Jr . Colleges.

1.Choice filling in option form part 2 for regular Round 2 will start .
2. New Student can also submit their Part-1 & Part 2 during this Period.
3. Part 1 , verification & part-2 filling will be closed.

Display of jr . College Allotment List for Regular Round2 admission.

Declaration of Allotment list for Round-2 was scheduled to display on 10th September 2020, as a part of Std.11th Centralised Online Admission process 2020-21. However, with reference to the orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. (Regarding SEBC reservation) rest admission process is postponed till further notice. Further time table for 11th Online Admission process will be declared after the Government Approval.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

fyjc 2nd merit list 2016 Mumbai/Pune

fyjc 2nd merit list   2016 Mumbai/Pune
fyjc 2nd merit list 2016

fyjc second merit declaration tomorrow for Mumbai region Maharashtra state  year 2016 .
this merit  list include all field i.e Science , commerce and arts.
first list already  out on 27th  June  at 3 pm , as everyone was expecting at 5 pm but it was declared 2 hours before.
so many student got seat in different college or the college name they filled in  11th online admission for .
so , whoever not got name is first merit list they can wait  tomorrow till 5 pm or it may be soon.
as ity is online process so everyone need to check it online.according to cut off marks student get college of their

priority.they fee structure .according to the rule.

4 th july is declaration date  for Mumbai region
5 th july is declaration  date for pune region.

so  2.7 lakh application received online before first merit list  out of which 2.2 lakh seats allotted so  remains 37 k waiting for second merit list .that is going to declare tomorrow .there is simple rule if seat allotted to you just go to that college and pay 50 rs confirmation fee.

so by new rule if you have allotted good college in second merit list  you can cancel first list college and take admission

in second list college which is very simple but after that you wont get chance to get college name in third merit list.
so another chance is here get it.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

FYJC First Merit List @Second Merit List Declaration 27th June 2016 Mumbai Pune Maharashtra board online

FYJC First  Merit List @Second Merit List Declaration 27th June 2016 Mumbai Pune Maharashtra board online
FYJC first merit list date @ 27 june 2016.

SSC board results of Maharashtra board 2016 already declared.
Now the time come where student who has given examination for 10th standard to fill online fyjc form year 2016 for Mumbai , pune and other city.

Here is the list of online admission fyjc online admission 2016 and declaration of
 fyjc first merit list 2016  and admission process.
fyjc second merit list 2016 and admission process online.
fyjc third merit list 2016  and admission process.
on the base of 10 th result marks student will get their name in first merit list and second merit list and so on.

according to the booklet student will fill name of college they are looking for.

So here are dates of online admission process and FYJC  merit list declaration 2016.

  • Online Filling of Application form - June 7, 2016 to June 17, 2016
  • Declaration of First fyjc general list - 20 june 2016 at 5 pm
  • Online form correction - From June 21, 2016 to June 22, 2016 @ 3pm
  • Declaration of FYJC First Merit list - 27 June 2016 @ 5 PM
  • Payment of Fees - from 28 june to 30 june 2016 between 10 am to 3 pm
  • Declaration of FYJC Second merit list - 4 July 2016 @ 5 pm
  • Payment of Fees - 5the July 2016, 7th July 2016 and 8th july 2016 between 10 am to 3 pm
  • Declaration of FYJC Third merit list - 11 July 2016 @ 5 pm
  • Payment of Fees - 11th and 13th july between 10am to 3pm

  • FYJC  Online Admission Procedure

  • Tuesday, 25 June 2013

    Fyjc Second Merit List 2013 on 30th Of June

    Fyjc Second  Merit List 2013 on 30th Of June
    Fyjc second merit list 2013.
    after declaration of fyjc first merit list now on 30th of june second merit will be going to declare.
    whoever students would not got admission in first round or college not allotted then is chance is there in second merit list .
    after allotted college name in second merit list 2013 students can fill admission form by going there allotted colleges.
    as happened  after first merit list same process will happen after fyjc second merit list declaration.
     students need to keep  there application number with them .that is key to get allotted college list.
    Fyjc Second Merit List Information

    Merit List Payment schedule
    Second Merit List
    30th June 2013 at 5:00 pm
    Payment of Fees for Merit List - II

    (Rs.50/- only)
    1st , 2nd July 2013
    between 10:00 am & 3:00 pm

    Map Example

    Map Example