Wednesday, 10 June 2015

FYJC First Merit List Declaration 2015 22 June Mumbai

FYJC First Merit List  Declaration 2015 22 June Mumbai
Today is 10th of june so from today to june 16 there will be form filling and changes process will be there after that fyjc 1st merit list 2015 will be declare before fyjc first merit list , fyjc first merit list (general) will be declared on 20th of june .
after that on 22nd of june at 5 pm fyjc first merit list will be declare then there will be form filling process to take admission .for that purpose only 2 - 4 days need then fyjc second merit list will be declare on june 30 at 5 pm then form filling processs As usual . so these things are going to happened within 3 weeks later process will be for remaining merit list . whoever has given 10th examination will take it very fast to get admission in 11th standard at respective colleges.

Fyjc online form filling processDate
Fyjc Online admission form filling fyjcJune 10 -

Fyjc online form filling changes befor merit list

June 16 till 3 pm
Fyjc 1st merit list declaration(General)june 20

at 5
Fyjc first merit list declarationjune 22 at 5
Fyjc last date for fee june 23 - june 25 10 to 3

Fyjc second merit list declaration june 30 - at

5 pm
Fyjc last date for fee july 1- 3 10 to 3 pm

Fyjc third merit list declaration july 6 - at 5

Fyjc last date for fee july 7-8 10 to 3 pm

Fyjc declaration of remaining meir list july 18

fyjc first merit list 2015
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FYJC XI standard online admisson Process and declaraton of Merit list . Cut off List For prevous year also . 10 Th Results onlne declaraton Maharashtra Region .


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