Sunday, 24 July 2016

FYJC 5th Merit list online 4th august 2016

FYJC 5th Merit list online  4th august 2016
fyjc 5th merit list online 4th august 2016

okay friends .we got new news about fyjc online admission about 5th merit list online.
I think this is for whom who didn't get admission in last four merit list .
which was started on 27 th july and end by 18th july 2016 including mumbai and pune region.
  1. Incomplete filling online admission form .
  2. Not matched with respective college criteria ,I mean marks.
  3. wrong data filled in online application form and many others.
So they have chance to secure their seat in respective college.
student can not take offline admission in any college .
 It would be online.

Many of student got name in merit list but they could not taken admission in respective college.
many not interested to take admission in allocated college because they stay very far from that place , their would be many other reason.
so just follow the date and get admission in fyjc (for 11th std).or we can say its fifth merit list declaration.

Still 70 k student has not fixed their seat in spite of being allocated a seat. so 28th july is the date to approach that college to fix their seat.

July 30 and August 2 2016To complete online filling form which was incomplete or not filled before.
August 4 2016Declaration of fifth merit list.
August 5,6 2016To secure their admission whichever college allotted to them.

Monday, 11 July 2016

FYJC Final merit list 2016 today @ 5 pm.

FYJC Final  merit list 2016  today @ 5 pm.
fyjc first merit list Mumbai  out and second also  many student expecting  third list would be declare on 11 th july . yesterday but just because there was delay . It will declare  today at 5 pm as expected time.
few holidays between last few days, so expected delay was there.
now need to check for third merit list for pune and mumbai on same day.

no need to search here and there just like student got link for second merit list same this would be happen today itself.  we have official  website for Mumbai ..

stick with that you will only get results there. i was also expecting it will declare on 11 th but as i read that important note it is clearly mention there why  its delay  and that note is published  on 8 th July.

so any of you if stiilllllllll looking for merit list just read that important note in pdf format.
you will get more clear idea...

  1. fyjc third merit listRegion
    Mumbai  12th July @ 5pm evening
    Pune 13th July @ 10 am morning

    fyjc IVth merit list

    Sunday, 3 July 2016

    fyjc 2nd merit list 2016 Mumbai/Pune

    fyjc 2nd merit list   2016 Mumbai/Pune
    fyjc 2nd merit list 2016

    fyjc second merit declaration tomorrow for Mumbai region Maharashtra state  year 2016 .
    this merit  list include all field i.e Science , commerce and arts.
    first list already  out on 27th  June  at 3 pm , as everyone was expecting at 5 pm but it was declared 2 hours before.
    so many student got seat in different college or the college name they filled in  11th online admission for .
    so , whoever not got name is first merit list they can wait  tomorrow till 5 pm or it may be soon.
    as ity is online process so everyone need to check it online.according to cut off marks student get college of their

    priority.they fee structure .according to the rule.

    4 th july is declaration date  for Mumbai region
    5 th july is declaration  date for pune region.

    so  2.7 lakh application received online before first merit list  out of which 2.2 lakh seats allotted so  remains 37 k waiting for second merit list .that is going to declare tomorrow .there is simple rule if seat allotted to you just go to that college and pay 50 rs confirmation fee.

    so by new rule if you have allotted good college in second merit list  you can cancel first list college and take admission

    in second list college which is very simple but after that you wont get chance to get college name in third merit list.
    so another chance is here get it.

    Map Example

    Map Example